A downloadable game for Windows

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the game stops playing, the change icons button becomes the restart button and hitting what was the restart button closes the program instead. Sorry it's like that, I just forgot to change it during the jam.

Anyway the story goes like this.

Artek Lorbis is a researcher with the Gorblin Interspatial Expansion Initiative who studies spherical space. To better achieve this goal their team have built simulation of spherical space. One of the lead engineers on the project, Mervil Wimbus, was the first to enter the simulation and after 3 days has not left the program.

From the monitor Lorbis can see that they do not seem to be moving at all within the simulation, but there doesn't seem to be anything near them. Lorbis decides to link into the simulation and find out why Wimbus seems to be locked in place and find some way to retrieve them.

Commence Operation: Wimbus Rescue


Lorbis can only move by getting hit by boxes.... and getting hit by boxes hurts.... anyway you need to get over to Wimbus.


FinalJamVersion.zip 14 MB

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